Protecting the items you’ve worked hard for begins with knowing what you own. The easiest way to keep track of your belongings is to create a personal property home inventory. According to the Insurance Information Institute, only half of homeowners have an inventory of the possessions they'd want their insurance company to replace in case of a fire, theft, or other disaster.

Take Inventory

A conversation with your AAA Insurance Agent about your coverage needs and policy options is the best way to ensure you have the most comprehensive protection. But for immediate peace of mind, we also recommend you create a simple home inventory to help you track what you own and document each item’s monetary value.

  • Make a list of all possessions, and places of purchase.
  • Attach all receipts, purchase contracts and appraisals to your inventory list.
  • If receipts are no longer available, record serial numbers and photograph items.
  • Clothing: Count these items by category (Pants, Coats, Shoes, etc).
  • Appliances: Note the make, model, and serial numbers of all items.
  • Jewelry or Collectibles: These items may have increased in value since the date of purchase. Check with your agent to ensure adequate coverage.
  • For a printer friendly version of an inventory list, click here.

Additional Tracking Systems and Information Storage

  • Take pictures of rooms and individual items.
  • Video tape your residence including describing the content of each room as you walk through.
  • Keep your documentation along with receipts at an offsite location (safe deposit box, relative's house).
  • When making new purchases make sure your documentation gets updated.
  • The Insurance Information Institute offers additional tools and information.

Even a basic list of your property can be invaluable in deciding how much insurance coverage you need and ensuring you are protected if you ever need to file a claim. And don’t forget—when making a new purchase be sure to add it to your documentation.

For more information and for a complimentary coverage review, locate your local agent today by going to