Know Before You Go Rental Car Insurance
They say knowledge is power. Knowledge can also mean peace of mind, especially when it comes to knowing the details of your auto insurance policy. You could save some time and money by boning up on your auto policy coverage the next time you rent a car.
An example is you’ve just flown into Las Vegas for a friend’s wedding. At the car rental counter, the agent asks, “Would you like to purchase rental insurance?” If you’re not familiar with the terms of your auto policy, you’re left with two options: say yes and pay for something you may not need, or decline and risk having no coverage at all.
In some cases, personal auto insurance does cover rentals. If yours does, it’s important to determine how much coverage your policy provides. For example, your Bodily Injury and Property Damage liability may extend while driving a rental vehicle, but may not cover “Loss of Use” fees. These fees are something you would have to pay the rental company for every day the car is out of service.
To avoid this dilemma, do your homework ahead of time and arm yourself with the knowledge you need to drive away with peace of mind.