Show Them You care

When you're not there

There are special rates from AAA for your family members, so add your spouse and driving-age kids today. Keeping your entire family covered will help keep you and yours safe and secure. AAA Membership can cover your loved ones both as drivers and as passengers.

For security, savings, peace of mind and so much more, protect your loved ones today!

Add a Member
Add household members to your AAA account

AAA Membership Provides:

  • Security - On the road
  • Savings - With thousands of partners
  • Peace of mind - For them and you while traveling
  • And more!
Friendly AAA roadside technican replacing battery standing by open car hood talking to AAA member

Did You Know

  • Breakdowns are often no fault of the car
    New or old. For example: with flat tires, lock-outs, out of gas, fender-benders, etc.
  • Odds of a breakdown are higher
    While it varies from area to area, every year we get more than 5 calls for help for every 10 members!
  • You may be unable to reach them quickly
    When they call for help; or it may be for something you can't fix on the spot.