Important Information About Paying Your Membership Dues

AAA records memberships on a monthly basis. For example, if a Member joins on January 3, the membership will not expire until February 1st of the following year. There is a 7 day waiting period for Plus, RV & Premier enhanced services. Classic level service will be provided during this period.

When a membership is renewed within 59 days of the membership expiration, the original membership join date and expiration date are unchanged and the Member's years of membership tenure continue to accrue. AAA continues to provide all services to Members for the first 30 days after membership expiration, and all services except Roadside Assistance is requested (Roadside Assistance available at Member rates during this later, 29-day period). Not also, that annual membership dues will be due on year from the original expiration date, which will be less than twelve months from the late payment date.

When a membership is renewed 60 days or more following the expiration date, those Members will receive a new join date, a new annual expiration date and any accrued membership tenure will be lost.

AAA will charge a $20 non-refundable Enrollment Fee for joining the Club.

Membership Refund Policy within First 3 Months of New Membership

If, at any time during the first three months of your new membership including any upgrades and added Associate Members, you decide AAA isn't right for you, simply cancel. We'll refund the unused portion of your paid membership dues.

Membership Refund Policy for Renewing Memberships and New Memberships after 3 Months of Membership

Membership dues payments include renewals, upgrades and added Associate Members will not be refunded once applied to your membership; however, your Membership will remain in force until it expires.

Overpayments will be applied to your next membership renewal or on a request basis will be 100% refunded. No other refunds will be granted.

Roadside Assistance Policy

The Club reserves the right to cancel the membership for Member's abusive use of Roadside Assistance Services of the Club ("Services"). In addition, a Member who requests or uses an excessive amount of Service; that is, uses Services over a sustained period that are greater than the average Member uses, may be subject to membership downgrades at renewal or the non-renewal of the membership.

AAA will charge an additional non-refundable Immediate Service Fee if Roadside Assistance is requested at the time a Member joins or canceled Member renews with the Club beyond their Membership Grace Period.

Visit for a complete overview of all Membership Benefits and Services.