AAA Gearing up for Holidays & Winter Driving
Free event includes tire gauges and Toys for Tots collection
CINCINNATI, Oh. (November 28, 2018)— AAA is preparing for holiday travel and shopping with a free event to help you prepare as well. AAA members and non-members alike are invited to a free holiday open house from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, December 1, 2018 at local AAA locations. Whether its shoppers looking for the perfect gift, travelers looking to make holiday plans or drivers getting ready for the road, this is a unique opportunity for one-stop winter/holiday preparation.
As the AAA Roadside Rescue Team expects to come to the aid of more than 50,000 in greater Cincinnati this winter, special gift membership offers will also be available to help motorists and their loved ones who don’t want to be left stranded.
Members and non-members can visit any AAA location during the event and receive a free tire gauge to prepare for the winter driving season. Free items are one per person and while supplies last.
You cannot only save this holiday season, but also give back with a donation to the Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation. AAA members, associates and the general public may bring new, unwrapped toys to any AAA location now through Sunday, December 16, 2018.
“AAA is known for its legendary emergency roadside rescues, insurance and travel services,” says Jenifer Moore, AAA spokeswoman. “But we are also concerned about those in need throughout the communities we serve. This is the perfect opportunity to give back with a donation to Toys for Tots while saving this holiday season.”
AAA representatives will be available for interviews to preview the free event on Friday, November 30, 2018 from 10 – NOON at the Red Bank Office 3998 Red Bank Road Cincinnati, OH 45227.
Car care technicians will be available to show demonstrations on how to properly check tire pressure with a tire gauge.
WHO: AAA locations in greater Cincinnati
WHAT: Free Holiday/Winter Driving event
Members and non-members can visit any AAA location during the event and receive a free tire gauge to prepare for the winter driving season. Free items are one per person and while supplies last.
WHEN: Saturday, December 1, 2018 10 AM – 2 PM
WHERE: Please visit to find you nearest AAA location.
Tips to ensure proper tire inflation during the winter:
Keeping your car’s tires properly inflated to the automaker’s recommended pressures is a critical element of tire maintenance. Tires that contain the specified amount of air pressure last longer and contribute to vehicle safety.
- For every 10 degrees the temperature drops tires can lose a pound of pressure.
- Check tire pressures regularly. Once a week is best, but no less than once a month and always before any long road trip, including the spare.
- Follow the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended inflation pressures and not the pressure molded into the tire sidewall.
- The recommended inflation pressures for the tires can be found in the vehicle’s owner’s manual or on the tire information decal attached to the driver’s door jamb. On older cars the decal may be in the glove box or inside the fuel filler door.
About The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
Toys for Tots, a 69 year national charitable program run by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, provides happiness and hope to economically disadvantaged children during each Christmas holiday season. The toys, books and other gifts collected and distributed by the Marines offer these children recognition, confidence and a positive memory for a lifetime. It is such experiences that help children become responsible citizens and caring members of their community. Last year the Marine Corps fulfilled the holiday hopes and dreams of nearly 7 million less fortunate children in over 790 communities nationwide. Visit
AAA provides automotive, travel, and insurance services to 59 million members nationwide and more than three million members in Ohio. AAA advocates for the safety and mobility of its members and has been committed to outstanding road service for more than 100 years. AAA is a non-stock, non-profit corporation working on behalf of motorists, who can now map a route, find local gas prices, discover discounts, book a hotel, and track their roadside assistance service with the AAA Mobile app ( for iPhone, iPad and Android. For more information, visit