June 16, 20203 min readImpaired Driving

Return to Work, Return to Safe Driving

AAA Urges Motorists to Reverse Disturbing Trend of Increased Fatalities

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Return to Work, Return to Safe Driving

AAA Urges Motorists to Reverse Disturbing Trend of Increased Fatalities

HARTFORD, CT - AAA is reminding drivers returning to work that they should not return to dangerous and potentially deadly behaviors such as aggressive driving, speeding and texting. 

“This has already been an extremely dangerous year on Connecticut’s roadways, with a sharp increase in fatalities despite far fewer motorists on the road. Now, AAA is encouraging drivers to do their part to reverse this troubling trend,” says Amy Parmenter, a spokesperson for AAA in Greater Hartford. “We’ve spent months protecting each other from Covid-19. Let’s look out for each other on the roads as well”. 

According to UConn Crash Data, there has been a 35% increase in traffic fatalities in the first five months of this year as compared to last year and state police say speeding was a significant factor.

A recent survey by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that, while most drivers perceive distracted, aggressive and impaired driving a dangerous, many of them admitted to engaging in at least one of those exact behaviors in the 30 days before the survey. 

Police say the incident on I-91 was a road rage incident – and though extreme – a previous AAA Foundation survey suggests road rage or aggressive behavior behind the wheel is extremely common. 

“The survey found that an estimated 8 million Americans engage in extreme examples of road rage each year, including using their vehicles to ram other vehicles – or getting out of their car to confront another driver,” Parmenter said.

Additionally, there is concern that the ‘100 Deadliest Days’ – the period of time from Memorial Day to Labor Day when there is a sharp increase in teen driver-involved crashes – will be even more dangerous this year because of Covid-19. The combination of schools closed, activities curtailed, summer jobs canceled and restrictions now being lifted, teens will likely be spending more time behind the wheel, with less experience.

 AAA offers the following safe driving tips as CT returns to work – and returns to the roads:

  • Obey all posted limits – increased speed means increased risk of more serious crashes
  • Limit all distractions - Put the phone away. Never read or send emails or texts. #DontDriveIntexticated
  • Never drive impaired, under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Never drive drowsy – driving when overtired can pose the same risks as driving under the influence
  • Slow Down, Move Over - Drivers must slow down and move over for all emergency and tow vehicles along the roadside - it's the law.
  • Always wear a seat belt

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815 Farmington Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06119

AAA provides automotive, travel and insurance services to 58 million members nationwide and more than one million members in Connecticut.  AAA advocates for the safety and mobility of its members and has been committed to outstanding road service for more than 100 years. The not-for-profit, fully tax-paying member organization works on behalf of motorists, who can now map a route, find local gas prices, discover discounts, book a hotel and track their roadside assistance service with the AAA Mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android. For more information, visit www.aaa.com.

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