October 2, 20184 min readSafety

AAA Supports Roosevelt Boulevard Speed Camera Pilot Legislation to be Signed into Law by Gov. Wolf

AAA Mid-Atlantic Poll: More than half of Philadelphia-area drivers support use of automated speed camera enforcement to curb speeding.

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AAA Supports Roosevelt Boulevard Speed Camera Pilot Legislation to be Signed into Law by Gov. Wolf

AAA Mid-Atlantic Poll: More than half of Philadelphia-area drivers support use of automated speed camera enforcement to curb speeding.

PHILADELPHIA, PA (October 2, 2018) – AAA Mid-Atlantic commends the passage of Senate Bill (SB) 172 today, allowing for a speed camera pilot program along Roosevelt Boulevard in Philadelphia, as well as speed cameras in work zones across the state.  Governor Wolf signing is expected to sign SB 172 within the next 10 days.

The auto club thanks State Senator David Argall (Berks and Schuykill Counties) and Senator Judith Schwank (Berks County) for their sponsorship of the work zone speed camera legislation.  AAA also thanks Representative John Taylor (Philadelphia County), chair of the House Transportation Committee, for his sponsorship and support of legislation for a speed camera pilot program on Roosevelt Boulevard in Philadelphia in the interest of public safety for all road users – motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists. 

“AAA Mid-Atlantic commends both the Pennsylvania House and Senate for working across the aisle to pass Senate Bill 172 in the interest of improving traffic safety across the Commonwealth.” said Jana L. Tidwell, manager of public and government affairs for AAA Mid-Atlantic.  “Roosevelt Boulevard is one of the most dangerous roadways in Pennsylvania – if not nationally.  We believe automated speed camera systems, when implemented with AAA-supported motorist protections as outlined in SB 172, can contribute to the goal of reducing unnecessary fatalities and promoting traffic safety for all road users along Roosevelt Boulevard and in work zones across the state.”

Locally, recent findings from a AAA Mid-Atlantic poll of Philadelphia-area motorists indicate more than half of all motorists (52 percent) support the use of automated speed camera enforcement to ticket drivers who exceed the posted speed limit.  In addition, the same AAA poll showed 21 percent of motorists believe divided highways (like Roosevelt Boulevard) are the most important location to place speed cameras.

Nationally, in its annual Traffic Safety Culture Index Report released earlier this year, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety revealed that 2 in 3 drivers (68.1%) perceive that aggressive driving (including speeding) is a much bigger or somewhat bigger problem today that it was three years ago, with 91.5% of all drivers saying that people driving aggressively pose a threat to their personal safety.

Speeding on freeways and residential streets is prevalent, yet about half of drivers (50.3%) reported driving 15 mph over the speed limit on a freeway, with 18.8% reporting that they did it fairly often to regularly in the past month.  Additionally, 47.6% reported driving 10 mph over the speed limit in a residential area, with 12.9% indicating that they did it fairly often or regularly, over the past 30 days.

Automated speed enforcement presents a complex set of issues, which is why AAA believes legislation establishing speed cameras should include procedural safeguards and protections for motorists.  To ensure motorists protections and keep the public perception of the speed camera program positive, SB 172 includes:

  • focus on safety;
  • transparency;
  • public access and involvement;
  • flat contractor fee;
  • revenue used to enhance traffic safety (fines go to Motor License Fund to be used for a Transportation Enhancement Grants Program)
  • police, not contractor, oversight of the program;
  • posted warning signs;
  • 11 mph over set speed limit.


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