Discounts & Rewards Special Offers

Save 25% on the 1800Flowers family of brands.

Active&Fit Direct
For $28/mo. find the perfect gym from 12,700+ options nationwide and earn 10% of Active&Fit Direct membership fees back after 12 months in the program!

Choice Hotels
Save 10% or more at Choice Hotels®, get fast-tracked to Gold Elite status and earn Choice Privileges® reward points at the same time.

Save $10 for 24 months and receive a $50 Visa Reward Card with new DIRECTV via Internet service.

Home Chef
Get 60% off your first meal box and 20% off your next two months of Home Chef. A savings of up to $220!

Receive exclusive discounts at LensCrafters, including 50% off lenses with a frame purchase.

Save 13¢/gallon on every gallon of gasoline with the Love’s Connect App.

Save 50% each year on a Norton 360 subscription.

Spot Pet Insurance
Get 90% Cash Back on eligible vet bills with plans from Spot Pet Insurance.

Save 25% on federal and state filing with TaxAct.