Trips on a Tank

Mini family vacations are just a car ride away

KeeKee's Travel Corner Trips on a Tank; Family Drive Trips
AAA The Extra Mile Background Shape
Shannon Jones
Shannon Jones
August 8, 2022·3 min read

You don’t have to get on a plane or go far away to have a mini family vacation. Any time of year, you can set off on a family adventure with your car and one tank of gas.

It could be a day trip or one night away. The idea is to look at what’s within a couple hours’ drive of you or in your 150 miles or less radius.

Here are some ideas to get your family planning your one-tank adventure.

Most of us have a nearby town we’ve been meaning to explore. Make a day of it to take in the food, culture, and all that the town offers.

Family friendly museums provide entertainment, culture, and education for the whole family. The kids especially enjoy children’s museums, aquariums, zoos and planetariums.

Take in a game or match with a national, regional, or local sports team.

Active recreation is a great way to spend a day. Indoor options like trampoline parks and game arcades are great year-round. Get outside when the weather is nice for fishing, hiking, tubing, horseback riding, kayaking, or miniature golf.

KeeKee's Travel Corner Trips on a Tank; Family Drive Trips

Parks are a great way to spend the day. Hike the trails to great lookout points or waterfalls. Enjoy a boating day on the lake. Pack a picnic and games for a fun and relaxing adventure. Swim in the streams.

There are over 2,600 National Historic Landmarks in the U.S., including historic buildings, sites, structures, objects, and districts. Each one represents an aspect of American history and culture. You can discover what’s near you on the National Park Service’s website.

Learning and seeing how things are made is fun for the kids and adults. Whether it’s Hershey’s Chocolate Factory tour or a visit to the local winery or brewery, you can learn something and enjoy the surroundings (and sample any age-appropriate products).

To plan where to go and how to get there, you can also use the AAA TripTik. Search for your city, zoom out, then click on attractions to see what options there are, pick one of the options, then map your route. It will also show you other attractions along the way (as well as restaurants, fuel, savings).

Get the kids involved in the planning too. Take the list above and discuss as a family what everyone would like to do. They could also pick something to do at the destination you’ve chosen, like a restaurant, local store, or activity. Print the map out for the trip and let them follow along as you go.

To keep the kids engaged on the way to your adventure, check out these fun Family Road Trip Games.

One-Tank Adventure Awaits!

KeeKee Link to Trips on a Tank Activity page

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