Pedestrian Safety

While modes of transportation vary from time to time, most people are pedestrians throughout their entire lives. Safety starts with both drivers and pedestrians practicing safe behaviors while sharing the road.

Safety Tips for Pedestrians

  • Cross at crosswalks whenever possible. If no crosswalk exists, cross at a corner.
  • Avoid crossing between parked cars.
  • Always look all ways before crossing the street. Listen for oncoming vehicles.
  • Obey traffic signals indicating when it is safe to cross. Watch for turning vehicles.
  • Utilize sidewalks when available. Where no sidewalk exists, walk or jog on the left side of the road closest to oncoming traffic.
  • Make eye contact with drivers prior to entering the roadway.
  • Continue scanning for vehicles until you have fully crossed to the other side of the road.
  • Be mindful of slippery road surfaces due to adverse weather conditions.
  • Be extra alert during bad weather when driver visibility may be reduced.
  • Wear brightly colored or reflective clothing.
  • Dismount and walk bicycles across the road.
  • Cooperate with police officers, crossing guards and AAA School Safety Patrollers.

Safety Tips for Drivers

  • Slow down and use caution when driving near schools and through residential neighborhoods.
  • Do not drive distracted.
  • Obey police officers and crossing guards.
  • Pay close attention when driving during dawn and dusk.
  • Be alert for children who may dart into the street unexpectedly.
  • Safely share the road with bicyclists.
  • Allow for greater stopping distances during inclement weather.
  • Stay especially alert when visibility is reduced due to sun glare, fog or precipitation.
  • Stay alert for wildlife that may cause you to change course abruptly or leave your lane.
  • Show extra caution for pedestrians who may be physically, visually or hearing impaired.