Community Relations
Supporting the community through AAA activities and other organizations that address the economic, educational, social, and cultural needs of the communities served by AAA Club Alliance Inc.On the Roads In the Schools
AAA Club Alliance Inc. is a membership organization. Members pay their dues with the expectation that they will be used to provide member services. Therefore, our ability to use organizational funds for sponsorships and in-kind contributions is limited. However, as a corporate citizen in the communities it serves, AAA Club Alliance Inc. recognizes a responsibility, consistent with its business objectives, to respond to those communities' needs as appropriate. Quality of life, the well-being of our employees and their families, as well as the economic, educational and cultural health of our society are of legitimate concern to the long-term viability of our organization.
Contributions should reflect corporate giving priorities and be consistent with a defined target range of earnings. To maintain such consistency, the budget is reallocated annually and will be reviewed on an on-going basis throughout the year.
Organizational Interest
The organization provides annual contributions to the national AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and to the United Way, which is the principal vehicle to provide support for human services agencies. Additional requests from such agencies supported by the United Way may be considered for separate individual support/donations.
AAA Club Alliance Inc.’s sponsorships and in-kind contributions focus on communities that lie within our service area and where our associates live and work.
When an organization applies for a sponsorship or contribution, it may be requested to demonstrate that it has a clear purpose, provides a needed service and is efficiently operated. Successful applicants will normally meet the following criteria to be considered for a contribution:
- Be previously designated tax-exempt non-profit organization as defined under Sections 501 (c) and 170 (b) of the IRS Code.
- Show program capability, sound fiscal policies, responsible management, and other indices of viability such as evidence of long-range planning, restrained administrative costs, effective use of contributions and volunteers, etc.
- Have sound policies and a competent and involved board of directors exercising appropriate governance and oversight.
- Maintain a readily available list of current corporate contributors.
- Produce a budget, financial statements and a plan for funding beyond the period covered by the proposed contribution.
- If the request is for a specific project, it may be required to show a means of adequately evaluating the results of the proposed project for which funds are solicited.
- Priority will be given to organizations in which AAA Club Alliance associates are active.
Limitations and Exclusions
AAA Club Alliance Inc. does not fund repetitive annual grants, multi-year sponsorships/in-kind contributions. Requests from organizations that have received previous support will be reviewed annually as a new request and evaluated in relation to other submitted proposals and budgetary considerations.
No support will be extended to activities or programs that serve, or appear to serve political, ideological or religious organizations; although programs or educational institutions with religious affiliation are eligible if their objective is to provide a non-discriminatory general education or a secular community service, and are not used to proselytize on behalf of a specific faith.
Sponsorships or in-kind contributions will not be made to organizations that conflict with the AAA Club Alliance Inc. mission, goals, values, programs, products, policies, or discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, age or national origin.
If an organization or program meets eligibility requirements referenced above and wishes to be considered for a charitable contribution should submit the following:
- A request on the organization's letterhead which includes:
- A description of the organization, its name, address, telephone number and contact name
- A brief statement of purpose or objectives of the organization
- A copy of the organization's most recent tax-exempt ruling statement from the IRS
- A list of its board of directors, trustees or similar governance body, and its members' affiliations
- A list of current corporate contributors
- An audited financial report showing the overall financial condition of the organization, including income and expenses for the last two years that clearly separates administrative and program costs
- If a donation request pertains to an event or program, a budget specific to that event may also be required.
All requests should be submitted in writing to:
AAA Club Alliance
Public & Government Affairs
One River Place
Wilmington, DE 19801