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AAA Traveler Worldwise | Foodie Finds
Irish Cream Liqueur Bread & Butter Pudding Recipe

Make Irish celebrity chef Kevin Dundon’s delicious bread pudding for your family and friends

Looking for a simple-to-make treat with a delicious Irish twist? Then this is the recipe for you! Irish Celebrity Chef Kevin Dundon shares his secret for using leftover bread to make a warm and savory dessert, perfect for any occasion.


  • 4 ounces sultanas (may substitute raisins)
  • 2 tablespoons Irish whisky
  • 12 slices of day-old bread (feel free to use any type, such as slice pan, brioche or even croissant)
  • 2 ounces Irish salted butter at room temperature (plus extra to grease the baking dish)
  • 2 ounces caster (super fine) sugar
  • 4 medium eggs
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 7 fluid ounces heavy whipping cream
  • 7 fluid ounces whole milk
  • 4 fluid ounces Irish cream liqueur ( i.e. Baileys)


Place the sultanas/raisins in a bowl and add the whisky. Cover with boiling water and set aside to plump up for 2 hours or overnight if possible. Drain excess of liquid, setting it aside until required.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cut the bread slices into quarters and spread the sliced bread with butter.

In a large bowl, whisk the eggs with the sugar, add the cinnamon, cream and milk and Irish cream liqueur, and whisk until combined.

Grease 4 oven safe teacups or ramequins dishes.  Dip each bread slices in the cream mixture and place in the ceramic dishes alternating with marinated sultanas.  Pour extra mix over the bread to ensure the bread is fully soaked. Sprinkle with extra caster sugar if desired and if possible set aside for 5-10 minutes for the bread to absorb extra mixture.

Place in the oven and bake for 15-25 minutes or until coloured and no more runny custard appear when pressed. Remove from the oven and serve warm with dollops of whipped cream, custard or butterscotch sauce. Serves 4


  • 8 tablespoons butter
  • 8 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 5 ½ ounces pouring cream


Melt the butter in a large saucepan and then add in the brown sugar. Allow this mixture to come to the boil. Be very careful at this stage as the butter and sugar mixture is very hot and could burn should it contact your skin.

Pour in the pouring cream and whisk continuously.


Allow the mixture to come to a boil and then reduce to a gentle simmer. Cook for 5 -8 minutes. Keep warm or store in a container for 3-4 days in the fridge.