Do You Know The Right Way To Pour A Guinness?
Certified Guinness bartender shares the secret to a perfect pint

Nothing gives you a taste of Ireland at home like a Guinness. It’s one of the lightest beers you can ever taste, with a malt-forward, fluffy, and creamy taste that makes for the perfect sipping beer any time of year. But what many might not know is that pouring a pint of Guinness is an art form with an actual certification from Guinness required.
Christian Diaz of The Shebeen in Media, Pennsylvania, has been through the Guinness certification process.
“Guinness came and partnered with us to make sure that every bartender that we had behind [our] bar was certified to pour,” explained Diaz. “They want to make sure that we poured it properly, so they come in and they show you how to hold a glass and how to pour the beer.”
In addition, representatives from Guinness made sure that kegs at Shebeen were fresh as a part of the certification process while ensuring that the beer coolers were at the right temperature. They also inspect the blending box to ensure that the correct amount of nitrogen and carbon dioxide are used in the pouring process to get that perfect pint.
Glassware is also an essential part of the certification process.
"In Ireland, you have to pour Guinness in a proper Guinness-certified glass," shares Diaz. "It has to say, "Guinness." It has to be a 20-ounce glass."
The glass is also critical to getting that perfect pour.
According to Diaz, you must handle Guinness with care, starting with the 20-ounce pint glass, to avoid getting air into the beer as you pour.
“When you’re pouring it, you have the glass close to the nozzle on an angle, let’s say about a 45-degree angle,” explains Diaz. "If you have a lot of air, you're going to put in more bubbles, and you're going to have an ugly head."
The pint is poured at an angle to nearly an inch off the top of the glass. Now begins the waiting game. Let the beer sit for about a minute. Once it’s done settling, repour again right to the top of the glass. The beer sets again for another minute. Finally, one more pour.
“The last pour is to just get a little bit of that cascade, a little of that head at the top of the beer,” advises Diaz.
And with that final pour, you have the perfect taste of Ireland from the experts at Guinness.