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AAA makes history and provides 210,000 meals through giving, sharing, doing

AAA Club Alliance recently completed the club’s annual Fall Giving campaign. This year focused on Giving, Sharing, and Doing. For two weeks in November, Associates had the opportunity to give to a charity of their choice through United Way, share random acts of kindness, and do by participating in virtual/contactless volunteer activities.

Shelter Donations Drop Off
Amanda Leonardi, Andrea Meir, and their colleagues collected art supplies for the kids at the local Women’s Shelter in Burlington, NJ.

The call to action went out to all Associates. When 1,000 unique Associates participated in the campaign, the club would commit to providing 210,000 meals to Feeding America and their network of local food banks.

Club Associates rose to the challenge and far exceeded the goal. A total of 1,250 Associates participated across the three pathways of Fall Giving, breaking the club’s annual giving participation record.

Family Creates Thank You Cards for Heros
Renee’ Doersch and her family sent their local community heroes ‘thank you’ cards to show appreciation for their service.

“Whether it was a donation of their resources, talents, or time, our Fall Giving Campaign offered Associates the flexibility to choose how to give back,” shared CEO Tom Wiedemann. “I could not be more proud of our Associates’ generosity to help those in need.”

Through ACA’s summer step challenge, Stepping Up for Hunger and the 2020 Fall Giving campaign, the club has provided 410,000 meals to hungry families within its territory.