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Good Question: Are Insurance Carriers Returning Premiums?

Premium returns vary by insurance carrier

AAA Member Carol S. of New Jersey asked a timely question for the experts at AAA. “Many car insurance companies are giving rebates and discounts since we are driving much less. Will AAA be doing this?

Good question, Carol. We went to Tom Beidleman, Senior Vice President of Insurance Sales at AAA, for an answer.

Many of our AAA Members who are auto insurance policyholders will receive premium refunds as a result of people driving less because of widespread stay-at-home orders.  The amount of your refund will vary based on the insurance carrier.  Affected policyholders should be receiving communication in coming days regarding their refunds directly from your insurance carrier.  You do not need to take any action to receive the refunds, which will happen automatically.  We hope this provides some measure of relief during this challenging time.  Click on your insurance carrier from the list below to see your specific insurance carrier response to insureds.



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